Your eating and body image concerns are not the problem…they’re the answer.

Join me on a 12-week adventure to heal your relationship with your food and body, and to create your Satiated Life.

 “I just need to get myself under control and go back on a diet.”

How many times have you said this to yourself? Every day? Every month? Every year?

If you’ve…

  • Been eating in secret

  • Binged on food to the point you feel sick

  • Find yourself eating when you’re not physically hungry completely unaware of when you even picked up the food

  • Gone from Weight Watchers, to Paleo, to Keto, to [fill in the blank popular fad way of eating] and still feel stuck

  • Avoided mirrors because you just don’t want to deal with what you see

  • Restricted certain foods and/or food groups

  • Felt frustrated with your body because you feel like you have nothing to wear and don’t want to buy new clothes

  • Been feeling stumped as to what to eat anymore

  • Navigated intense urges to reach for food that completely take you over

  • Felt done with dieting but have no idea what else to do

You’re in the right place!

The safer you feel, the more you can heal.

The safer you feel, the more you can heal.

You’re not alone if…

You’ve tried every
strategy, healing modality, and intuitive eating concept out there…

and you still haven’t experienced a safe and satiated relationship with food and your body.

It could be because:

  • Unresolved trauma can be an important perpetuating factor in ongoing disordered eating and eating disorder behavior.

  • 40-60% of elementary school girls (ages 6-12) are concerned about their weight or about becoming too fat.

  • 79% of weight-loss program participants reported coping with weight stigma by eating more food.

  • 95% of all dieters will regain their lost weight in 1-5 years.

  • Up to 42% of gym-goers have a destructive relationship with exercise.

  • A 2014 study found that rates of disordered eating have increased across all demographic sectors.*


*From the National Eating Disorder Association


 The current mainstream methods for healing eating and body image concerns are incomplete and ineffective. They often don’t address the root cause of your eating and body behaviors.

 Somatic Eating® will teach you how to repair your communication and relationship with your food and body.

You will learn to understand your food and body urges as information, and discover how to guide yourself into a safe and satiated relationship with food and body again and again. 

I’ve been where you are. For a decade of my life, I navigated patterns of binge eating, emotional eating, chronic dieting, overexercising, and unexplained digestive issues.

And then one fateful night clutching a jar of almond butter in my hands like it was a life raft deciding whether or not to eat the whole thing, I made a different choice to be in my body and feel the intense desire to binge and choose not to. I have spent over a decade supporting others to be in relationship with their food and body in more regulating ways and I’m excited to embark on this journey with you. Things can change, healing can occur, your life doesn’t need to be ruled by what you ate, how you ate, or what you look like. 


There is no class in school that teaches you how to listen to and understand your body’s messages.

Are you ready to learn?

Somatic Eating logo

What is it?

 Somatic Eating® is a body-oriented, sensation focused therapeutic approach to eating. This approach will support you with patterns of emotional eating, overeating, binge eating, chronic dieting, overexercising, binge-restrict cycle, unexplained digestive issues, and body image concerns. 


 Somatic Eating® is here to address patterns of disordered eating that came into your life to regulate a dysregulated nervous system. 

Dysregulation can occur for many reasons:

  • Experiencing a traumatic event in your past

  • The kind of relationship you had with your parents

  • A death in the family

  • Being bullied at a young age

  • Being teased for your body shape and size

  • Anything that happened too much too fast

Your body may constantly feel unsafe to be in and eating or trying to control the way you eat and look can be a coping mechanism to try to regulate your body. You might have labeled yourself as a “binge eater” or an “emotional eater” or “have no willpower with food” or “a yo-yo dieter” yet really your food and body behaviors have been the wisest strategies to make you feel safe.


The Somatic Eating® System for creating a regulating relationship with food includes:

  • Pink and purple seedling


    Grow in your capacity to feel safe, enhance interoceptive awareness, and discover what foods, environments, and people facilitate the felt sense of safety.

  • Pink and purple moon and stars


    Build awareness of your attachment style and unmet needs, and create Earned Secure Attachment with food, yourself, and with others.

  • Plate with a heart in middle, fork and knife next to plate


    Increase physical and emotional satiation, enhance awareness of how foods affect your nervous system, and make food decisions based on body feedback.

 Imagine a day where you:

  • Eat the donut and move on with your day

  • Candy

    Pass by candy knowing you can eat it and you choose not to

  • Gauge

    Know what hunger and fullness feel like

  • Moon with zzzz's

    Go to sleep comfortably satiated without a nighttime binge

  • person looking in the mirror

    Look in the mirror and see YOU without any story attached

  • shirt on a hanger

    Dress in the clothes you want to wear because they make you feel good

  • Know how to regulate your body with and without food

  • Feel comfortable in your skin because you have a deep understanding of your body

 Somatic Eating® will support you in creating this Satiated Life.

Somatic Eating® Works!

Who is Stephanie Mara?

Stephanie Mara Fox, PhD (in progress), MA, CMBEC, CHC, CYT, is a Somatic Eating® Nutritional Counselor and Mentor with a Master’s Degree in Somatic Psychotherapy and the creator of Somatic Eating®.

She’s supported women, coaches, and wellness professionals all over the world, helping them to heal from disordered eating patterns, emotional eating, binge eating, chronic dieting, and digestive and body image concerns. She has been working for over a decade to guide women in feeling empowered in their relationship with their food and body to step into their innate confidence and go after what they want in life.

Stephanie is published in the International Body Psychotherapy Journal, featured in Somatic Psychotherapy Today, VoyageDenver, Authority Magazine, and Your Recovery Revealed Summit. She is a teacher and mentor and has supervised thousands of coaches, counselors, and therapists.


Here’s What You Get Inside The Somatic Eating® Program:

  • Gift box opening with magical things inside!

    Tools to become an Embodied Eater

    This includes food and body explorations to practice each week so you can start to feel more regulated and understanding of your body and how it talks to you. You will learn tools and techniques to move through dysregulation, urges, cravings, and impulses in ways that regulate your system.

  • Person talking from a computer

    12 Live Group Calls With Stephanie Mara

    You will be able to connect directly with me throughout this adventure. You will have 12 Live Calls and 3 group meal experiences. Each call will include time for Q & A and an opportunity to receive one on one support. All calls are recorded and will be available to listen to the replay.

  • People with text boxes above

    Accountability Buddy & Private Group

    You will have access to a private group to reach out to receive support. You will also be connected to an accountability buddy so you don’t have to navigate this journey alone and have someone to talk through the material with and provide accountability with one another.

 You might be asking yourself though, “How is Somatic Eating® going to be any different?”

Many of the programs you have gone through have approached your eating and body challenges from a mental place, offering you tools that stimulate your mind and offer you a bunch of tools that solely focus on your nutrition and your food, but perhaps still don’t connect you back with your body.

Eating is happening in your body. The dysregulation you feel is happening in your body. The urge to go back on a diet is happening in your body. Your body image concerns are happening inside your body.

Continuing to focus on what you’re eating isn’t going to solve your eating and body image concerns.

This journey will guide you back in your body in a way that feels safe and regulating, so that you can feel confident that you can surf any urge, craving, impulse, emotional wave that comes your way.

From this relaxed bodily state, then it can feel easier to identify and satiate your physical and emotional hungers in embodied and aligned ways.

You will learn about your: 

  • Hungers

  • Interoception

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Embodiment skills

  • Parts work

  • Body communication

  • Self regulation

  • Attachment style

  • Trauma healing

  • Digesting emotions

  • Body respect

  • Mindfulness tools

  • Values assessment

  • and so much more….

 What could you do with all that time no longer worrying about your food and body image?

  • Tea, lavender and an open book

    Read that stack of books you have been wanting to get through

  • Outdoor restaurant tables

    Go try that new restaurant you have been wanting to go to with friends

  • Dancer with purple and pink sunset background

    Try out that dance class you have been wanting to experience

  • Mountains and sunset

    Go on an adventure, travel, take yourself somewhere new

  • Floral bikini with pink strings

    Wear that dress, that outfit, that bathing suit you have been really wanting to wear

  • Question marks

    Add here, what would you want to add into your your day, your week, your life?

  You’re a good fit for Somatic Eating® if….

  • You’re ready to stop dieting.

  • You want to let go of quick fixes and step into the journey. 

  • You’re starting to sense that there is no “perfect” way to eat or look. 

  • You know there has got to be a different way to eat and interact with your body and you’re ready to make a change.

  • You’re ready to commit to showing up for yourself and your body in new ways. 

  • You’re done with having food and body image concerns consume your day. 

  • You’re open to food experimentations. 

  • You want to feel like you have your life back. 

  • You’re tired of holding yourself back because of inner judgments about how you look.

  • You know another overly structured plan of what and when to eat and move your body isn’t the answer.

A Letter from Me to You


Look, I don’t want this to be just another page you read and pass on by thinking:

“Oh, that may work for someone else, but not for me. I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.”

I get it. I’ve been where you are.

There are so many things in this world that break body trust and make it so difficult to embrace your body as it is and feel safe to be in it.

There is diet culture that perpetuates the message that losing weight means you are a “success” and gaining weight means you are a “failure.” There is fitness culture that provides the message of “no pain, no gain” or your body is only acceptable if it is toned and fit. There is the clothing industry that lacks inclusivity and creating clothing for all shapes and sizes. 

Absolutely get mad. Just please stop getting mad at yourself. Your body is not the problem. It is the culture that needs to change, not you. 

Feeling calm and connected in your relationship with your food and body is possible.

My mission is to support you in creating a regulating, safety-producing relationship with food and body so that you can feel free, alive, vibrant, and use all that energy toward living your fullest Satiated Life. 

If taking this leap is bringing up any thoughts or emotions, email me. Seriously. I’m here for you in this process every step of the way. Reach out at anytime. 

I look forward to connecting with you inside Somatic Eating® and talk to you soon. 

Somatic Eating® Works!

somatic eating logo

A 12-week adventure to heal your relationship with your food and body, and to create your Satiated Life.

Next Class Starts May 22nd 2025-August 7th 2025

(Live classes occur on Thursdays at 3:00 pm and 5:30 pm ET. *Class times are subject to change based on the availability of the group)

The Investment in Your Satiated Life

Payment Options

 Somatic Eating® Community

Stephanie Mara Logo - hands

Somatic Eating® is an ongoing process. Creating a safe, secure, and satiated relationship with your food and body takes time and practice.

A lot can change in our 12 weeks together and you can keep the momentum going by joining the Somatic Eating® Community after you’re complete with the program.

This community membership is only available to those who have gone through the Somatic Eating® Program or worked one on one with me. This means you will be able to talk with others about how you’re integrating the Somatic Eating® ingredients into your body.

You will continue to receive ongoing guidance from me, a private space to connect with others, and monthly check in and support calls. You don’t have to embark on this journey alone and healing happens in community. You will have the option to join at the end of the Somatic Eating® program.

Excited? Have Questions?

Here are some frequently asked questions.

  • For some individuals, you may experience changes right away. For others, this program will plant seeds where you will notice things start to grow and change over time. This journey is not about quick fixes. That is why the Somatic Eating® Community will be there for you to join after this program is over to continue to receive support on this ongoing food and body journey.

  • We will be taking a different approach to weight in this program. We don’t know how much anyone is “supposed” to weigh. We will be putting more emphasis on how you feel in your body. This will be a discovery of what supports you in feeling the way you think you will feel after a weight change right here and right now. Our ultimate goal is to discover what supports you in feeling light, empowered, cared for, regulated, and vibrant.

  • This program will not be offering another strict diet or meal plan. You will be discovering what digests and assimilates in your body with ease so your meal creations will be unique to you based on honoring, listening, and receiving your body’s feedback.

  • Absolutely not! Along with discovering what works best for your unique body, we will also be exploring ways you can optimally nourish your body that feels doable and sustainable in your life.

  • I understand. It’s going to take time to make the body a safe space to inhabit again. Every class is recorded and you get access to this material forever so you can take your time and go at a pace that feels comfortable to you. I recommend also working with another practitioner one on one while you go through this program. If you would like more one on one support from me or looking for a referral, email me at

  • No it does not. This program is not therapy nor is it a replacement for therapy. This journey will explore many of the reasons your food and body behaviors could be occurring and provide you with effective Somatic Eating™ tools but it’s not a replacement for one on one work with a trained professional who specializes in disordered eating, eating disorders, and trauma. While you’re going through this program, I highly recommend also working with another practitioner. If you would like more one on one support from me or looking for a referral, email me at

  • We will absolutely also explore a new relationship with your body image that will support with making the body feel safer to inhabit as you begin relating with your body and its shape in new ways.

  • You will have access to the recordings and material forever so you get to take your time going through this program. We will have a relationship with our food and body our entire lives. To be here on earth we need to be in a body and to keep this body alive it needs to be nourished with food. You can think of going through this program as an ongoing commitment to continue to deepen into relationship with your food and body again and again.

  • I get it! So much fear can arise when stepping into something new. You’re not alone in your fear. Fear may continue to be a part of your journey here and you will be supported in how to be with your fear in ways that don’t feel so overwhelming.

  • Yes, you do! You will be able to download all the material provided onto your own computer so it is yours forever.

  • After you purchase the program, you will receive a purchase confirmation in your inbox with the link to sign in with the login and password you created when you purchased the program. You can then sign onto your program site where all recordings will be uploaded.

  • You can book a free 20 minute Connect Call with me here or email